- Diagnosing children with diseases of the digestive system and liver using scientific methods and modern devices.
- Treatment of these children commensurate with the scientific level.
- Follow up patients when complications occur
- Continuous awareness of the parents of these patients to reduce the spread of these diseases.
- Training doctors from all over the country in this field.
The unit's achievements:
- For scientific cooperation between the unit of diseases of the digestive system and liver and other units in Egyptian universities.
- Scientific cooperation between the Gastroenterology and Hepatology Unit and other units in the United States of America.
- Holding scientific conferences and scientific seminars on diseases of the digestive system and liver for children.
- Participation in liver transplantation at Nile Valley Hospital.
- Cooperation with the HOPE Foundation to treat children with Gaucher disease through genetic treatment methods, which is considered a breakthrough in this field.
- Project for the treatment of children with chronic hepatitis C infection (Children without C virus).
- Completion of two international training courses in diseases of the digestive system and liver in children, in which many Egyptian and foreign trainees participated.
- Organizing an annual international conference for the unit specializing in diseases of the digestive system and liver in children, with the participation of foreign experts in this specialty.
- Academic activity and scientific publishing for unit members.
- The prominent role in the establishment and establishment of the children's section at the Liver Diseases and Research Center in Sherbin.