Allergy and Immunology


It follows up and treats cases in the specialty of allergy and immunology, such as the following cases:

  • It works two days a week, Saturday and Tuesday.
  • Its purpose is to follow up on cases of bronchial allergies and dispense their medications.
  • Diagnosing chest allergies and determining the appropriate treatment for each case.
  • Following up on cases of various chest diseases such as tuberculosis and chronic lung disease.
  • Supperative Lung Disease.
  • Cystic fibrosis.
  • Congenital defect of the lung.
  • Foreign body inhalation.
  • Allergy tests  For patients with various types of allergies, this is on Monday of every week.
  • Follow up and diagnose skin and nose conditions.
  • Follow up and diagnose cases of pneumonia after discharge from the hospital.
  • Follow-up of cystic fibrosis cases.
  • Follow-up and treatment of immunodeficiency cases.
  • Follow up and present cases of chronic lung diseases.
  • Lung function tests, allergy tests, sweat tests, and immune tests.
  • Performing diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy for lung diseases and emergency cases.


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60 Al-Gomhoria Street, Children's Hospital, Mansoura University, 35516

  02+ (050) 2200207 - 2200204

  02+ (050) 2200206 - 2238673

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