Celebrating Eid al-Adha
Thank God, their joyous celebration of Eid al-Adha took place at the University Children’s Hospital in Mansoura, the first day of Eid in the hospital garden. Thank you, public relations at the hospital, Dr-Rasha Baher Diasty. Thank you, the hotel department, supervised by Ibraheim Samy, and thank you, the security department, Omar Fathy.. Thank you to the Good Comrades group, the Mansoura volunteers, who were very tired that day. Thank you Mohamed Ramadan Nova Elsamahy Fatma Ahmed for her effort in the coloring section and preparing it. Thank you Tito Show and Sinbad Al-Tanourah Ahmed Abdel Azim Sendbad Altanora Thank you DJ Zain Ahmed Zain Ahmed Zain Ahmed Zain Thank you to everyone who contributed, donated, and participated in directing the day in this beautiful way, may God make it In the balance of your good deeds, O Lord, we are always gathered in goodness and joy.